Servicing Cincinnati Since 1830
Servicing Cincinnati Since 1830

Job Completion Survey

  • Reviewed By: Fran F.
  • Location: Port Charlotte, FL
  • This review was copy/pasted from:
  • Original Review Link:
  • Comment: My name is Fran and I live in Port Charlotte, FL, one of the many areas ravaged by Hurricane IAN on 9-28-22. We live on the second floor of a three-story condo building. Never in my life had I lived through a natural disaster, let alone a CAT 5 hurricane!!! For 10 hours, we were subjected to CONSTANT, HOWLING RAINS, PRAYING THAT OUR HURRICANE WINDOWS WOULD WITHSTAND WINDS OF NEARLY 150 MPH. The building was rocked on its foundation. You could see NOTHING other than a murky gray sky that carried with it, trees, furniture, roofs of buildings, lawn furniture, and anything else that wasn't nailed down!! Being seniors, our circumstances did not allow us to evacuate with the other 3+ million Floridians who were suffering the same fate. The roof of our condo building was torn off. The metal ceiling roof panels on the outside walkways were crumpled like wadded-up pieces of paper. We were stuck in our condo for several hours until the metal ceiling panels were pushed to the side. All the AC units on the roof were destroyed.
    We worked for 10 hours, foolishly attempting to clean up the water that was coming in through our ceilings and walls. Buckets, mops, towels, dry vacs.....we were fighting a losing battle with nowhere to go!! NO SAFE WATER, NO AC, NO CELL SERVICE, NO ELECTRICITY, NO ABILITY TO COOK, CLEANUP, SHOWER, NO ELEVATOR, ETC. After a few days, we ventured out to assess the damage, which was like witnessing a war zone.
    We could see the sky through the ceiling of the third floor unit!! Things were dark and bleak and many tears of futility were shed. But, along came TEALSDALE FENTON RESTORATION to the rescue!! The crew was comprised of about 15 or so, able-bodied men and women, committed to making things better, as best they could. There are simply NO WORDS to describe the service provided by Project Manager, Shawn Buzard, his Lead Technician, Jake Herzog and these outstanding young men and women. Their service, understanding, care, concern, compassion, communication, work ethic, reliability and kindness were EXEMPLARY. They informed us, each day, of their restoration plans. They covered whatever belongings we had left with plastic. Shawn and Jake took daily measurements of drywall for mold. They moved the few things that weren't damaged to areas not affected by water flowing from our ceilings. They ALWAYS encouraged us to ask questions and ALWAYS answered them. They were ALWAYS POSITIVE AND PROFESSIONAL while tearing down walls, removing flooring, carpeting, furniture and personal possessions, knowing full well the anguish we were experiencing. And, they did all this work, hauling up tools and equipment and hauling down ALL THE DRYWALL, WOODWORK, FURNITURE, CARPETING, FLOORING, CLOTHING, DOORS, CABINETRY, ETC,....BY HAND.....BECAUSE THE ELEVATOR WAS OUT OF SERVICE. AND, AT THE END OF EACH DAY, THE STAFF CLEANED UP "THE MESS" and hosed down the parking lot. AND AS IF THAT WASN'T ENOUGH, SOME OF THE STAFF HELPED ME DRAG UP GROCERIES AND CASES OF WATER TO MY UNIT. I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO ADEQUATELY EXPRESS MY GRATITUDE OF HEART TO SHAWN, JAKE AND THEIR TEAM FOR ALL THEY DID TO HELP US SURVIVE THE FIRST MILE OF THIS UNSPEAKABLY PAINFUL JOURNEY. SO, IT IS WITHOUT HESITATION AND WITH GREAT ENTHUSIASM THAT I OFFER THIS POSITIVE AND GLOWING REVIEW!!
  • Overall Rating
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